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The overarching goal of the Pathways to Success Initiative is to increase protective factors while reducing risk factors for violence among targeted youth through the improvement of the quality and availability of and access to violence prevention services for at-risk youth in communities across Jamaica. 


The Violence Prevention Alliance Pathway to Success Roadmap identifies critical periods where hi-risk children falter, and the effective interventions targeting these high-risk children which can arrest further antisocial and deviant behaviour with the goal of reintegrating them into mainstream productive activities. The earlier in life these selected, evidence-informed interventions (targeting these high-risk children) are made, the more cost beneficial the outcomes are such as reductions in the costs of state care. Productive and healthy children and adolescents have less involvement in violence and there is an overall improvement in the well-being of the country. 


The roadmap below helps stakeholders and agencies tackling issues around at-risk youth, health, violence prevention and national security to easily identify successful interventions through a visual format. The algorithm is a key step towards showing the data in a clear, and understandable format, to effect better decision making, leading to increased support for interventions that demonstrate the achievement of key outcomes. 


Violence Prevention Alliance - Jamaica

c/o Institute of Sustainable Development
13 Gibraltar Way
The University of the West Indies
Kingston 7

T: (876)690-0947


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The Violence Prevention Alliance is a Registered Charitable Organization as under Section 2 and Section 17 of the Charities Act, 2013. Registration Number: CA100-509C.

© 2021 Violence Prevention Alliance Jamaica

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