The VPA is a network of World Health Organisation (WHO) member states, international agencies and civil society organisations working to prevent violence.
VPA participants share an evidence-based public health approach that targets the risk factors leading to violence and promotes multi-sectoral cooperation.

Funded by FHI360, The Community Advancement for Peace Project (CAPP), a collaborative effort between the Peace Management Initiative (PMI) and the MultiCare Youth Foundation, seeks to reduce the involvement in violence and reprisals of high-risk youth aged 10 to 29, who present at hospitals with violence related injuries.

The recently completed Social Norms Study sought to inform CSJP’s social marketing strategy geared at changing the social and cultural norms that give rise to violent behaviours, which exist among its target population.
The study assisted by identifying the risk factors (including norms and values) associated with the occurrence of violence in order to inform the development of strategies to interrupt and prevent the spread of crime and violence.

Supporting violence prevention is something we can all be involved in. At VPA, our work depends on strong partnerships and relationships.
Become an Alliance Member, volunteer, donate or help spread the message - there are many ways to support violence prevention in your community and the wider society.

Sunday, November 22, 2020
Professor Elizabeth Ward, chair of the Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA), is suggesting that the Scouts movement which moulds the characters of boys and girls into responsible men and women should be utilised more.
“Sometimes I think that the Scouts movement is one of our best kept secrets. We need to change that. The Scouts Movement is very deep and important to the fabric of our nation. We need to share this,” she pointed out.

Thursday, November 19, 2020
The Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA) is the recipient of three drums that have been donated to its Drum Therapy Project, which it has established in collaboration with the Child Protection and Family Services Agency (CPFSA).
The drums were donated by the Canadian Women’s Club (CWC) and friends of Jamaica. The donation comprises two Djembe drums and one bass drum. The donation was presented to the VPA by Kathryn Villeneuve, president of the CWC, recently.

Friday, October 9, 2020
Professor Elizabeth Ward, chair of the Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA), is urging organisations involved in peace dialogues to include family strengthening and child-safety provisions in their discussions and agreements.
She made the recommendation while addressing the Manchester Peace Coalition Civic Ceremony for World Peace Day on September 21, which was observed under the theme ‘Shaping Peace Together’.